
Follow us as we head out from Sydney in our new motorhome to see a big part of our country.
I have added another blog if you would like to read it, you are most welcome. Still related to the trip.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Esperance waterfront.
Thursday 18th August.
There is a resident sea lion down at the jetty here in Esperance. However we haven’t seen Sammy yet, hope we do tomorrow. John and I walked out and back on the jetty, and lo and behold, waiting at the kerb there is a mobile café; ready to serve you a coffee when you finish your walk. They even supply plastic chairs so one can enjoy the view of the harbour. Esperance is a busy shipping port; with trucks and trains going to and fro through the gates. Our caravan park is not far from the waterfront.

On the jetty.

Esperance port

It was a perfect sunny day to go for a 40 klm scenic coastal drive after our walk on the jetty. There are some great lookouts. We scanned the horizon for whales, with no luck. The water is a beautiful colour, blues and greens and very clear. Both of us took plenty of photos as usual. I decided not to get out at some lookouts, think I wore myself out on the walk. So I was the lazy photographer, snapping away from the comfort of my seat. John enjoyed spotting wildflowers and managed to find a couple of new ones we hadn’t seen before.

Beautiful beach.

Syd at one of the lookouts


WA wildflower

We had another coffee stop at one of the beaches, before we continued on. Lunch was fresh rolls at a parking area in front of the jetty when we came back to town.
We still have another day here to look around the shops and the museum.

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