
Follow us as we head out from Sydney in our new motorhome to see a big part of our country.
I have added another blog if you would like to read it, you are most welcome. Still related to the trip.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Naracoorte and Penola.

Canola crop
Friday 2nd September.
Naracoorte would be our next town to discover.  We stopped in Pinnaroo to have a look at this small town and continued to Bordertown to see the house that Bob Hawke lived in. Our labor Prime Minister was the son of an Anglican minister, the family lived in the Manse, which is now the local centrelink office.


Hawke House

Bordertown had a small nature park with a few rare albino kangaroos. John took photos and we were on our way to Naracoorte, a bigger rural town. We booked into the only caravan park in town for two nights. A nice quiet park, that backed onto an oval.
John found the walk into the town, luckily it wasn’t too far away.
Albino Kangaroo
Saturday,September 3rd

We rang Kathryn for her birthday this morning; then after breakfast walked to town via the creek and as usual ended up with parcels to carry home. Naracoorte is a mixture of new and older buildings. The heritage buildings have been well preserved. I had my photo taken under “Maddie’s Café.

Heritage buildings in Mundulla, near Bordertown

John went for a walk on a nature trail in the afternoon and we saw a dvd. I rang Bec after dinner to see how she was.

Sunday 4th September.

We packed up and headed south to Mt Gambier, stopping on the way for John to see Naracoorte Caves. He found them interesting, he spent an hour or so on a guided tour. I read the paper and checked my emails. Caves are not my thing, too many stairs.
Nathan rang John for Father’s Day and I rang my Dad.

Naracoorte Caves.

We continued on south, stopping in Penola, 50 klms from Mt Gambier to have a look at where Saint Mary MacKillop started her first school.
Mary MacKillop's first school in Penola.

We were in Mt Gambier by 2pm and after going to the info centre booked into the town caravan park.
Mt Gambier has several interesting attractions, including lakes and sinkholes, caused by caves subsiding.

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