
Follow us as we head out from Sydney in our new motorhome to see a big part of our country.
I have added another blog if you would like to read it, you are most welcome. Still related to the trip.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mt. Gambier

Blue Lake.
Monday 5th September

Mt Gambier has some interesting attractions, crater lakes and sinkholes. Blue Lake is the city’s water supply, we took the 3 klm drive around the lake and stopped at the stunning lookouts for some good photos. The surrounding landscape has tall pine trees, while I’m not sure what is the height above sea level the city is, it reminds me of a high mountainous climate. There are a good number of walking trails all around the lake area, besides Blue Lake there is Valley Lake and a dry lake named Leg of Mutton.

Pumping Station

The sinkholes are caves that have subsided in years gone by and left deep holes. Beautiful gardens have been set out in these formations, we saw Umpherston Sinkhole and Englebrecht Cave today and have left the city one, Cave Gardens until tomorrow, this one is in the middle of the shopping precinct; off the main drag, but just around the corner from a coffee shop!

Umpherston Sinkhole

                                                          John at bottowm of sinkhole.

After our coffee we did some shopping and came back to the caravan park. We had a quiet afternoon and I did some washing.

Tuesday 6th September.
Rain greeted us this morning when we woke.  The city shops are a short walk away, we decided to see the Cave Garden and go to the movies. Lucky both are in the same area. It rained off and on all morning, in between the sun came out. There was a hailstorm in the afternoon.
Cave Garden.

                                                                         At the lookout.

The Cave Garden in surrounded by businesses, something new for us to see. Colourful spring flowers are already budding in the park. John walked down into the garden, a few too many steps for me, I walked to the lookout.

John at the bottom lookout.

Flower beds.
“Red Dog” was a good Australian movie, set in Dampier WA. Afterwards we walked back to the caravan park and spent the afternoon relaxing.
Tomorrow we go into Victoria and start our drive on the Great Ocean Road.

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