
Follow us as we head out from Sydney in our new motorhome to see a big part of our country.
I have added another blog if you would like to read it, you are most welcome. Still related to the trip.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Byrock and Bourke.

The drive from Nyngan to Bourke is for me, the beginning of the outback. The towns are further apart, large grants of pastoral land with grazing sheep were and still are the backbone of this area. For over a hundred years the Bourke area has been the centre of the wool export industry. Before the advance of the railway network, Bourke was the hub of  industry servicing the surrounding properties and exporting wool on paddle steamers down the Darling River. Horse, camel and bullock teams provided the original means of transport along with the paddle steamers that moved supplies to and from the coast of South Australia. The town was established in 1862. Mail coaches( Cobb and Co ) played a big role in the outback, moving mail and passengers from place to place. The first rail train came to Bourke in 1885.
My family have a strong link to this area. Byrock, 80 klms south of Bourke is the birthplace of my maternal grandmother. Byrock was another railway town, my great grandmother had a shop in town and raised a large family, some of whom are buried in the local cemetry.
John and I spent an hour or so in Byrock, population of eight, four of whom are the local publican and his family. We have stayed a few times before in the Mulga Creek Hotel, so yesterday was just a short visit.
We arrived in Bourke before lunch and booked into Kidman’s Camp, seven klms north of town. It’s close to the Darling River and the  paddle steamer, which operates a delightful one hour cruise.
We met some friendly couples near where we set up camp, all good grass sites.  John and I looked around town today, went out to the cemetry to see Fred Hollows grave and the wharf area. There are still lovely old buildings standing, most of the town is in a decline because of the aboriginal situation, but we were pleasantly surprised to find a new visitor  and exhibition centre. If you look past the bordered up shop windows, (there isn’t a glass shop front to be seen they would all be smashed otherwise), Bourke can be a nice experience. Or am I looking through rose tinted glasses? Maybe.
                                                                                                                               Byrock Rock Holes

Darling River at Bourke.

 Bourke Post Office.

Jandra Paddle Steamer

Jandra Cruise.


  1. Sounds like you're having great fun! You and John look so good. I like the new look on John,(wiskers) He looks very distinguished. I absolutly Love Love Love your camper! I wish I was riding along with you. Keep posting pics. They are beautiful!
    Have fun! Stay safe.
    Love you, LaVonne

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