
Follow us as we head out from Sydney in our new motorhome to see a big part of our country.
I have added another blog if you would like to read it, you are most welcome. Still related to the trip.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dural to Orange.
Monday morning early we were ready to leave to do the last minute packing of clothes, groceries etc and head out for our short trip to Dural Caravan Park for our first night in our new home. We said goodbye and thanks to the staff at Suncamper, they were always on hand to answer any queries we had. We were ready to go.
 Family and friends called out to see us and say farewell at the park, after all we will be away for about three to four months. Except for a slight delay in realizing the hot water heater wasn’t turned on, we had an uneventful night and late showers.
Tuesday morning we were up early after a good night’s sleep, we followed the Bell’s Line of Road out to Lithgow and Bathurst, on to Orange for two nights.
One of the perils of having a two way radio in the motor home is listening to the choice language of the truckies, laughing at them talking about the drivers on the road, then knowing they are swearing about us! They hate caravans and motor homes, especially when you are in front of them! Only they called John that guy with the campervan, in some not so nice description! I felt like saying “hey it’s a motor home”! Only one stays silent, you don’t want to be abused anymore. The ears are burning by then.
We arrived in Orange and booked into a park for two nights. Nice town, the autumn colours are still there to appreciate, although some trees are already bare. We have been having early nights, John is up at 5am, so I need all the sleep I can get before then.
We drove Syd out to Lake Canobolas this morning, very cold, the beanies and coats were out. Yes, Syd is our name for the motor home, a grand name like “The Sydney by Suncamper” lends itself to a name, so Syd it is.
John has “lost” his glasses twice already, found them again of course after much searching. I was hoping the first couple of days would be stress free.
Off to Nyngan and roads west tomorrow.


 Lake Canobolas Park.

Lake Canobolas

Terrace houses on Mitchell Highway, Orange.

Orange caravan park.

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