
Follow us as we head out from Sydney in our new motorhome to see a big part of our country.
I have added another blog if you would like to read it, you are most welcome. Still related to the trip.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Greenough and Jurien Bay

the leaning tree in Greenough.

On Friday we had a morning in Greenough, a heritage village 25klms from Geraldton. We found a nice café in the visitors centre, then went on a local drive looking at beautiful old buildings. This region along the coast has very high winds, as a result the trees are leaning over and are touching the ground. The sun was shining and the coastal areas were at their best. We spent the afternoon back at the park. Again that night, we had winds and rain buffeting the coast.Old heritage house.

Greenough village.

Hampton Arms Inn.

Convict bridge.

A bench by the sea.
"Cloud does not put out the Sun"

We made our way south on Saturday morning, calling in at the Greenough café  and buying take away coffees and homemade melting moments.

The highway to Perth branches off to a coastal drive, the Indian Coast Drive, a pretty road that hugs the coast at most points. We called into the little villages of Leeman and Green Head for short stops.

Jurien Bay is a busy little town about 230klms from Geraldton, our next stop for two nights. John was hoping to do some fishing, but the winds were too strong, it blew overnight and continued Sunday, with heavy rain at times.
The shops are a short walk from the caravan park, handy to get the Sunday paper and a few groceries. There is a jetty close by, a perfect spot on a nice day for fishing.
A quiet afternoon followed, Cervantes and the Pinnacles is our next town and area to discover.

Dynamite Bay, on the way to Jurien Bay.

Jurien Bay jetty.

Perth is now in our sights, hoping to catch up with friends and have a good look at Western Australia’s capital city.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics Pam and Dad. Would love to throw a line in off Jurien Bay Jetty!
