
Follow us as we head out from Sydney in our new motorhome to see a big part of our country.
I have added another blog if you would like to read it, you are most welcome. Still related to the trip.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday in Exmouth

Exmouth has been a very interesting place to stay and visit the surrounding area. Yesterday it was Cape Range NP, today we have been to the local markets and had a look around the marina, there's a lot of new homes being built on man made canals. Exmouth was devastated by Cyclone Vance in 1999, so I expect all the new houses are built to stand the force of another cyclone. I think the wind was in the region of around 300 klms an hour. As I am typing, the wind has really picked up, it's very exposed to the elements here at the Exmouth Gulf. Thank goodness it's not cyclone season.

the view from the motor home window out to the gorge

the road with the gorge on both sides.

John and I took a drive out to Charlie Knife Gorge this morning. The turnoff is about 20klms from town, then about 13 klms out to the gorge. Some of the road is sealed, the rest unsealed but well graded. It climbs towards and over the ridge of the mountain, opening out on both sides to a beautiful gorge, well worth the drive. We stopped along the way to take photos, it is high enough to look down on the sea below. John parked at a look out and we enjoyed a cup of coffee from the thermos. The weather started looking a bit ominous, so we packed up and drove back down to the main road.
On the way back we stopped at a local fish Co Op to buy fresh prawns for lunch and fish for dinner. The afternoon has turned nasty, the motor home is rocking with the high winds and it's now raining.
part of the Novatel resort at the marina.

town beach

the marina.

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