
Follow us as we head out from Sydney in our new motorhome to see a big part of our country.
I have added another blog if you would like to read it, you are most welcome. Still related to the trip.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Driving the 409 klms from Charleville,we saw our first brolga of the trip. He was just meandering alongside the road near a dry creek bed and was nice enough to let us take a photo. John showed me a pair of eagles sitting on a post in a paddock, they had their backs to us.We also sighted a bunny, kangaroos and emus.
 I packed a lunch of egg sandwiches for us to have when we had a coffee stop. Syd had his first mud bath, we had to drive for three klms on a dirt road. And the dirt out here is red.
 I phoned ahead to the Homestead caravan park and booked us a two night stay. This is the busy tourist season and as we go further north the parks will be busier. We were pleasantly surprised to see the park here has country singers, damper and golden syrup around the campfire. The two guys sang some good country songs and the damper was delicious. I got a Chinese take away meal, freshly cooked in the park and have enough left over for another night.
Today we looked around the town, it has six pubs along the main street. It gets hot and dusty here. Enjoyed a nice cappuccino, enjoying the aroma of the coffee beans when a road train came through town.  As it passed the cafĂ©, the full country experience hit us. The smell of probably fifty cattle! Gotta love country!
Looking forward to another beautiful sunset tonight.
Winton is our next stop tomorrow.

 The Brolga.

One of the old hotels.

The facade of the Radio Theatre.

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying your trip so much Pam and I am learning a lot too. For instance I had no idea what a brolga was before now. A few other things took me a while to figure out too such as damper, a road train and yabbys. Still not too sure what a yabby is. LOL But I am an anxious student so I am looking forward to your next post. You look like you're having such fun.
    Stay safe!
    Hugs, LaVonne
