
Follow us as we head out from Sydney in our new motorhome to see a big part of our country.
I have added another blog if you would like to read it, you are most welcome. Still related to the trip.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cape Crawford and Daly Waters Pub.

Leaving Barkly Homestead at 8.30 am Tuesday, the 375 klm drive north took us about 6 hours. We stopped twice on route. The Tablehands Highway is a bitumen single lane road, not rain damaged in as many places as what we first thought. We only encountered two road trains, they were both in clear view for John to have enough time to edge off to the side. We probably only saw half a dozen cars the whole way, some with caravans.
The landscape began as flat open country through vast pastoral properties. Unfenced paddocks meant that we came across wandering cattle, some strolling across the road and others stopping to look at us. Shrubby trees and termite mounds scattered the country side as we went further into the never never. We crossed over several small creeks with prolific bird life, a pair of brolgas hastened away, but not before I got a good photo. A lazy wedge-tailed eagle stayed by the roadside further up, not wanting to let anyone else near the road kill he was eating. Another good photo opportunity.
                                            A pair of Brolgas at a billabong
                                           Wide open spaces
                                          A wedge- tailed eagle.

 "The wide brown land for me"- My Country, by Dorothea McKellar
Diesel fuel was limited to 50litres per vehicle as their supply at the caravan park was low, however we had gauged that added to what we had already was enough to get us the 270 klms on the Carpentaria highway to Daly Waters.The Heartbreak Hotel is a bit disappointing, another small roadhouse where the toilets are named “Elvis” and “Priscilla” that’s about all or any similarity to Elvis. It’s also the reception for the caravan park and sells a small selection of groceries. We had no mobile or internet in this isolated part of Australia.

Wednesday 15th June
The road to the Stuart Highway and up to Daly Waters was again single lane bitumen. There was no water at the park before we left due to a busted hose. Luckily John and I have our showers in the afternoon, but we had no water in our fresh water tank to make a cup of tea and coffee. The shop sold instant takeaway coffees and their urns were full, so that kept us going until the morning stop. I boiled some bottled water in the kettle to pour into the thermos.
We found the 270 klm drive not as interesting as the day before, the landscape shrubby and dotted with cattle, but no wildlife. The road was flood damaged and rough in patches, the wet season in the far north had lasted longer than usual.
We arrived at Daly Waters historic pub and caravan park at lunchtime and booked in for two nights. The pub is famous for their Beef and Barra meals, along with good entertainment. We had stayed a night in 2007. We both decided to order the barramundi meal and it was delicious along with salads and fresh damper. John and Trish joined us for dinner.
Today just spent catching up with washing, cooking scones and biscuits and relaxing with a book. I have a couple of new books about the areas we are going through, memories of an earlier time. The one I’m reading now is “Alice on the Line” the life of a young girl whose father ran the telegraph station in Alice Springs in 1899.
Tomorrow we head to Mataranka Springs and the hot pools.

Opposite the pub.
Bits and pieces inside the pub.

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