
Follow us as we head out from Sydney in our new motorhome to see a big part of our country.
I have added another blog if you would like to read it, you are most welcome. Still related to the trip.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


John and I enjoyed our time at Derby, it was our first look at the WA coast.  Derby is on King Sound. It has the biggest variations of high tides in Australia.  Zinc and Ore are the main exports from the Derby Port. We watched Royal Wolf containers being offloaded from a ship onto a truck on the jetty. Royal Wolf is the company that my sister Kay works for in Sydney.

The sunsets are beautiful here. The first night I took photos from the caravan park, the colours in the clouds were enhanced  as the sun set. The following night we drove down to the jetty and sat with our drinks with others and enjoyed nature’s show.
 During the day we looked at Wharfinger’s House, which is now a museum on Derby’s history. Also we drove out to the pioneer cemetery, in 1800’s one of the local policeman were shot and he is buried out there. The prison boab tree is where the aborigines were kept overnight on there way to jail. The tree is huge and there was room to house the men, who were shackled together. The men had been caught stealing cattle, their sentances were very heavy. They were marched for hundreds of miles, a lot of atrocities were commited against these unfortunate people. Some were captured to work on the pearling luggers in Broome.  Dark days of our early history.

The prison tree.

Wharfinger's House.

from the caravan park.

Royal wolf containers

Sunset from the jetty.

Coffee at the jetty.
crocodile warnings are everywhere.

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