
Follow us as we head out from Sydney in our new motorhome to see a big part of our country.
I have added another blog if you would like to read it, you are most welcome. Still related to the trip.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Halls Creek and Fitzroy Crossing

 on  the way to Fitzroy Crossing

  Termite Mounds

Thursday 23rd  June                  
Hall”s Creek is suitable for a one night stop over. There is only one caravan park, they charged $30 for a powered site. No competition so they can get away with it. Some stay at Mary’s Pool, a free camp, another 100 klms or so further on, however we like to have power and water, so even though the park was basic it was fine for one night. The lady told John when he booked in that the gates are shut between 8pm and 7am. However the next morning we noticed there were no gates to shut!

 Geike Gorge

Friday 24th June
We drove the next day to Fitzroy Crossing, to a very nice caravan park. The landscape changed from flat open country to rugged escarpments on the way. We stopped at Mary’s Pool for morning tea, booked into the park before lunch and took a drive into the town. The visitors centre was the only place worth seeing, besides the local supermarket. The Fitzroy River Lodge is one end of town and very pleasant. We are staying two nights to be able to go on a boat cruise into Geike Gorge, 18 klms from town.
 Geike Gorge

fresh water crocodile
Saturday 25th June
Geike Gorge is a must see. The one hour boat ride is very relaxing. We saw plenty of fresh water crocodiles, even a jabiru, a large bird, native to Northern Australia. The guide said even she hadn’t seen a jabiru in the time she had worked in the national park. John and I had seen jabiru before on our trip to the Top End, a few years ago.
Back to the park for lunch, we had a cold drink and hot chips in the bar of the Lodge. I  did some washing and cooked some little cakes.
Derby is our next stop for two nights, it will be our first glimpse of the WA coast,  Derby  is on King Sound.  We will be in Broome on Tuesday, staying five nights.

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