
Follow us as we head out from Sydney in our new motorhome to see a big part of our country.
I have added another blog if you would like to read it, you are most welcome. Still related to the trip.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Barkly Homestead

                            Whistling Kite   
We drove the 450 klms from Mount Isa, arriving at Barkly Homestead at 2pm, it took us 6 hours all up, with two stops. The day was cool but sunny. The powered sites are excellent here, all drive through. Large  generators used here are noisy, but somehow one gets used to the noise.  They didn’t keep us awake.
In the afternoon John and I looked around the roadhouse, had a soft drink at the bar and looked at the menu for dinner, also caught up with the football, the only television here is in the common dining area. At least we have mobile and internet. I decided on the Sunday night special, roast dinner.
We took some photos of a whistling kite in the tree outside the roadhouse.
John asked some truck drivers about the road up to our next stop, Cape Crawford, they all agreed the single road was ok, just to look out for the road trains. It’s 375 klms up to Cape Crawford so hope it’s worth it, at least it will be new to us. I think much of the sight seeing is done by helicopter. We will just relax. There is a hotel  named the “Heartbreak Hotel”.
John decided to eat earlier last night,but he went back over with me when it was time to order dinner. The roast beef and veges were very nice.
We watched a dvd before bed.
This morning most of the caravans pulled out, we had a chat to Trish and John, a couple from Melbourne whom we had met on the trip to Lark Quarry. They were off to Tennant Creek. We might meet up with then later in the trip. I made some scones for morning tea, did some washing and might have a hamburger for lunch.
                                          Road trains
                                           Barkly Homestead

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